(05/11/2021) How to Keep it Together at the Office
This 60 minute program will focus on the importance of maintaining wellness in the practice of law. A frank discussion about the impact of attorney impairment will be coupled with the sharing of practical tips that can be implemented in order to help lawyers, and their staff, keep it all together at the office. Sample attendee takeaways include an understanding of why taking care of one’s self is so vitally important, an appreciation of the value of learning how to manage the attorney’s side of the attorney-client relationship, and knowledge of the importance of boundary awareness as a risk management tool. Approved for 1.0 credits in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 05/11/2026. Materials for this seminar can be downloaded from https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/keep-it-together-cle/. WSBA Activity ID #: 1165253
Price: $25.00