(04/13/2022) IOLTA 411 CLE

With guest speakers DEVON THURTLE ANDERSON - CEO of Skepsis Technologies and TRACY SAMBRANO, Audit Manager at the Washington State Bar Association. Devon and Tracy provide their insights and perspectives focusing on common mistakes, acceptable practices. tips, traps and the RPCs governing IOLTA accounts. Materials - https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/iolta/ Approved for 2.25 ethics credit in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 04/13/2027. WSBA Activity ID #: 1206669
Price: $60.00

(04-22-2022) Americans with Disabilities Act

This segment is from the Federal Civil Rights CLE co-sponsored with the United States Attorney’s Office Eastern District of Washington. Speaker - Asst. U.S. Attorney Molly Smith Materials - https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/fedcivilrights/. Approved for 1.0 law & legal credits in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 04/22/2027. WSBA Activity ID #: 1206345
Price: $30.00

(04-22-2022) Civil Rights Act Title VII (Employment)

This segment is from the Federal Civil Rights CLE co-sponsored with the United States Attorney’s Office Eastern District of Washington. Speaker - Tyler H.L. Tornabene, Assistant U.S. Attorney Materials - https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/fedcivilrights/. Approved for 0.50 law & legal credits in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 04/22/2027. WSBA Activity ID #: 1206345
Price: $25.00

(04-22-2022) Civil Rights Act Title VII (Employment)

This segment is from the Federal Civil Rights CLE co-sponsored with the United States Attorney’s Office Eastern District of Washington. Speaker - Tyler H.L. Tornabene, Assistant U.S. Attorney Materials - https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/fedcivilrights/. Approved for 0.50 law & legal credits in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 04/22/2027. WSBA Activity ID #: 1206345
Price: $13.00

(04-22-2022) Fair Housing Act and Equal Credit Opportunity Act

This segment is from the Federal Civil Rights CLE co-sponsored with the United States Attorney’s Office Eastern District of Washington. Speaker - Asst. U.S. Attorney Tyler Tornabene Materials - https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/fedcivilrights/. Approved for 1.0 law & legal credits in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 04/22/2027. WSBA Activity ID #: 1206345
Price: $30.00

(04-22-2022) False Claims Act and Housing

This segment is from the Federal Civil Rights CLE co-sponsored with the United States Attorney’s Office Eastern District of Washington. Speaker - Deputy Criminal Chief Dan Fruchter Materials - https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/fedcivilrights/. Approved for 1.0 law & legal credits in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 04/22/2027. WSBA Activity ID #: 1206345
Price: $30.00

(04-22-2022) USERRA and SCRA

This segment is from the Federal Civil Rights CLE co-sponsored with the United States Attorney’s Office Eastern District of Washington. Speaker - Tyler H.L. Tornabene, Assistant U.S. Attorney and Deputy Criminal Chief Dan Fruchter Materials - https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/fedcivilrights/. Approved for 0.50 law & legal credits in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 04/22/2027. WSBA Activity ID #: 1206345
Price: $15.00

(04-22-2022) USERRA and SCRA

This segment is from the Federal Civil Rights CLE co-sponsored with the United States Attorney’s Office Eastern District of Washington. Speaker - Tyler H.L. Tornabene, Assistant U.S. Attorney and Deputy Criminal Chief Dan Fruchter Materials - https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/fedcivilrights/. Approved for 0.50 law & legal credits in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 04/22/2027. WSBA Activity ID #: 1206345
Price: $13.00

(05-05-2022) EDEP Sections Medicaid Training

With guest speaker JENNIFER BALLANTYNE of Estates and Elders Law PLLC. Materials - https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/medicaid/. Approved for 2.0 law & legal credits in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 05/05/2027. WSBA Activity ID #: 1207845
Price: $50.00


Lesli Ashley of Empower Family Law Legal Technician Approved for 0.5 law & legal and 0.0 ethics credits in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 05/11/2027. WSBA Activity ID #: 1206663 Click here to access materials - : https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/2022familylaw/
Price: $13.00

(05-11-2022) Discovery In The Post Pandemic Era

Discovery In The Post Pandemic Era: The Use of Apps for Identifying Financials Assets Including Cryptocurrency Ken Zigler of Zigler Family Law Approved for 1.0 law & legal and 0.0 ethics credits in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 05/11/2027. WSBA Activity ID #: 1231018 Click here to access materials - https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/2022familylaw/
Price: $25.00

(05-11-2022) Discovery In The Post Pandemic Era

Discovery In The Post Pandemic Era: The Use of Apps for Identifying Financials Assets Including Cryptocurrency Ken Zigler of Zigler Family Law Approved for 1.0 law & legal and 0.0 ethics credits in Washington. Must be be viewed and reported by 05/11/2027. WSBA Activity ID #: 1231018 Click here to access materials - https://www.spokanebar.org/cles/materials/2022familylaw/
Price: $25.00