(10/23/2021) Systemic Racism CLE Part 2: Finding Solutions to the Spokane Regional Justice System (Afternoon Session)
- TASK FORCE 2.0: Race and Washington's Criminal Justice System - Gonzaga University Law Professor Jason Gillmer - CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADVOCACY - Camerina Zorrozua & Virla Spencer, The Way to Justice UPDATED FROM THE SYSTEMIC RACISM TASK FORCE COMMITTEES Advising BIPOC Business Owners: Emily Arneson School-to-Prison Pipeline: Rosey Thurman Race, Culture, and Bias in Family Law, Camerina Zorrozua First Appearance / Pre-trial Conditions of Release: Judge Maryann Moreno TAKING OWNERSHIP OF THE SYSTEM - GU Law Professor Inga Laurent WSBA Activity ID #: 1182475
Price: $40.00